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Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( KNCCI)

Agreement signed on October 24, 2019 in Sochi, Russia. Website.

The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) was established in 1965 as the umbrella body of the private sector in Kenya. It was set up as an amalgamation of three Chambers of Commerce that existed at that time, namely; the Asian, the African and the European chambers of commerce. It created a unified and single voice for private sector, so as to influence public
policy, efficient service delivery, as well as facilitating monitoring and evaluation of public sector programmes and projects. KNCCI brings together all members of the business community, including some private sector associations that are membership-based, and is multi-sectoral in its approach to issues. Membership is diverse and its national governing council representation is inclusive. It provides a forum to engage government on cross-cutting issues on private sector development.

The Chamber itself is an autonomous, non-profit, membership-based and private sector lobby institution. It has a countrywide outreach of 47 County Chambers, and over 10,000 members countrywide, through which the activities and services are extended to the entire business community, and to all sectors of the economy. The Chamber is not a political institution, but as economic activities are, often, affected by politics and political decisions, there is, therefore, a necessity for the Chamber to be able to consider and respond to the effects of political events, particularly those which affect economic activities of the country.


